In addition to the large size of the mail database, the number of documents in a view particularly the Inbox can also degrade performance. 除了大的邮件数据库,视图尤其是收件箱中文档的数量太多也能降低性能。
This parameter determines the maximum number of documents per segment index. 这个参数决定了一个索引块中的最大的文档数。
The number of documents returned in the AllDocuments feed is configurable and will be described it the next section. AllDocuments提要中返回文档的数量是可配置的,将在下一部分进行描述。
As expected, the elapsed insert time for both CLOB and XML columns is approximately linear in the number of documents inserted. 正如所料,CLOB和XML列占用的插入时间和插入的文档数成线性比例。
It also properly sets the count property based on the number of documents in the collection. 它还恰当地根据集合中的档案数量设置count属性。
If the application also uses tier information or Geohash information, then these values can be used for better narrowing down the number of documents to search. 如果应用程序还使用层信息或Geohash信息,那么可以使用这些值来更好地缩小需要搜索的文档的范围。
Two sorting criteria are introduced in this section: sorting by comment number of documents and sorting by last updated date of documents. 这一节介绍两种排序标准:根据文档的评论数量进行排序和根据文档的最后更新日期进行排序。
The data shows exponential growth rates for UPDATE_NOTE and NIF operation times as the number of documents in the inbox grew. 数据表明,当收件箱的文档增长时,UPDATENOTE和NIF操作时间呈指数级增长。
This comment is a broad comparison, but it does provide a sense that the number of documents affect performance in the same manner as the number of users. 这是一个宽泛的比较,但它反映了文档的数量与用户的数量一样,都会影响性能。
This test indicates that the number of documents in a mail file, and especially the number of documents in the Inbox, has greater impact on performance than the file size itself. 这个测试说明,与文件大小本身相比,邮件文件中的文档数量(尤其是收件箱中文档的数量)对性能会产生更大的影响。
We found that mail files of the same size can use significantly different resources, depending on the average size and number of documents. 我们发现相同大小的邮件文件使用的资源可能相差很大,这取决于文档的平均大小和数量。
When you need to index a large number of documents, you'll notice that the bottleneck of the indexing is the process of writing the documents into the index files on the disk. 当你需要索引大量的文件时,你会注意到索引过程的瓶颈是在往磁盘上写索引文件的过程中。
Use the feature only if it will dramatically reduce the number of documents that display in the view. 除非该特性能极大地减少视图中显示的文档数量,否则不要使用它。
The number of documents processed. 已处理的文档数。
The total number of documents which have used the second queue. 使用过第二队列的文档总数。
The number of documents needed depends on the size and complexity of the operation and the characteristics of the product. 所需的文档数量取决于产品操作及特性的大小和复杂性。
The number of documents actively using the first queue. 当前使用第一队列的文档数。
The number of documents accessed via file system. 通过文件系统访问的文档数目。
The number of documents which were marked for retry from the plug-in. 从插件标记为重试的文档数。
The number of documents waiting to be processed. 等待处理的文档数目。
Gets the number of documents that this method has lines in. 获取其中包含此方法的行的文档的数量。
When the new content source is defined, from the search settings page click the command to update the content sources so that the number of documents they include is recalculated. 定义了新内容源后,单击“搜索设置”页面中的命令以更新内容源,使其包含的文档数得到重新计算。
Total number of documents that the scoring plugin has processed. 计分插件处理的文档总数量。
There are a number of documents available for learning the concepts and implementation of the cascading API. 有很多文档可用来学习cascadingAPI的概念和实现。
A large number of documents the existence of a written constitution for the constitutional structure, especially the content structure of the Constitution possible. 大量成文宪法文件的存在,为宪法结构特别是宪法内容结构的研究提供了可能。
Total number of documents that were not automatically categorized into any topic. 自动分类到任何个主题的文档的总数量。
Number of documents found on the Legacy website by country. 找到的文件数按国家遗产的网站。
The number of documents delayed due to site hit frequency rules. 由于站点访问频率规则而被延迟的文档数目。
Specify the number of documents you want to appear in the folder. 指定要在此文件夹中显示的文档数目。